Loliondo "investors’" personal "journalist" Manyerere Jackton has
written yet another "article" full of lies and misinformation, this
time trying to defame the Member of Parliament for
Ngorongoro (William Olenasha) by linking him to me, and then he
repeats the Kagasheki-style 1,500 km land grab threat. He’s
doing this while enjoying his own participation in illegal
arrests and ill-treatment of innocent people with the
aim of silencing voices crying for justice in Loliondo.
By now, Manyerere Jackton has written over twenty
articles inciting against the Maasai of Loliondo, going to the extreme of
claiming that 70 percent of Loliondo Maasai are “Kenyan” by nationality, and
publishing lists of private individuals that allegedly have this nationality. Exactly
like the Loliondo “investors”, Manyerere attempts to underrate the realities of
land dispossession in Loliondo as something trivial, simulated and stirred up
by “corrupt” non-government organisations. Last year I was illegally arrested
in Loliondo and following my arrest, Manyerere also wrote several “articles”
containing baseless and shameless lies about me.